Official Authorised Testers

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MOT Check List

  • Vehicle Identification Number
  • Registration Plate
  • Lights
  • Steering & Suspension
  • Wipers & Bottle Washer
  • Windscreen
  • Horn
  • Seatbelts
  • Seats
  • Fuel System
  • Emissions
  • Bodywork
  • Doors
  • Mirrors
  • Wheels & Tyres
  • Brakes

MOT tests are required for vehicles that are 3-years and older. This is to ensure your vehicle meets the minimum safety level required by law. AJ Motors & Son are authorised by VOSA to conduct MOT checks at the bargain price of £45.00 incl VAT.

Our authorised MOT testers will carry out a comprehensive inspection of your vehicle to ensure it meets al recommended safety standards. This includes check the exterior, interior, under the bonnet and under the vehicle.

Each test is recorded and you will receive either a test or fail certificate. We will also alert you to possible problems that may become more serious in the future. This enables you to deal with any problems before they get more serious and ultimately more expensive.

It is your responsibility to have you vehicle tested every 12-months if the vehicle is 3-years or older. Failure to do so will result in a fine or worse.

VOSA use a computerised system that enables the police and mobile camera units to check remotely whether your vehicle has a valid MOT certificate.


Vehicle Identification Number

The MOT test checks that the Vehicle Identification Number commonly referred to as the VIN is legibly displayed on the vehicle.

Registration Plate

The MOT tester will check the condition, security, legibility and the format of the letters and numbers on your registration plate.


The MOT tests checks the condition, operation, security and colour of your vehicle lights. The test will also check to see if the headlamp aim is correct.

Steering & Suspension

The MOT tester will also check the steering & suspension components for correct condition and that the operation is correct.

Wiper & Washer Bottle

During the MOT test will check your vehicles Wipers and Washers ensuring they operate properly and give the driver a clear view of the road.


The nominated tester will check the Windscreen condition and driver’s view of the road and that there are no chips or cracks affecting the driver line of sight.


The MOT test will cover the horns operation for effectiveness and the type is correct.

Seat Belts

All seat belts including those in the rear of the vehicle are checked for type, condition, correct operation, security and that all compulsory seat belts are in place.


Your vehicles front seats are check for security during the MOT test.

Fuel System

The fuel system is checked during the MOT test for leaks and that the fuel cap fastens and seals securely.


The MOT test covers your exhaust emissions, ensuring that the vehicle is within the specified guidelines and they the exhaust is complete, secure, without serious leaks and silences effectively.




Vehicle structure and body shell are checked during the MOT test for excessive corrosion or damage in specific areas of the vehicle. Any sharp edge can result in a MOT failure.


The MOT tests the efficiency of the vehicles braking performance, condition and operation. Most vehicles are tested on a rolling road brake tester.


The mirrors on your vehicle are checked during the MOT test for condition and security.

Wheels & Tyres

The nominated MOT tester will check the vehicles wheels and tyres for a number of key points: conditions, security, tyre size, type and tread depth.


The MOT tester will check that the doors open and close correctly and that the latch is secure in a closed position. Front doors should open from both the inside and outside of the vehicle. Rear doors may need to be opened to gain access to testable items like rear seat belts.

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